Who is PulleyMan USA?


PulleyMan USA is the worldwide wholesale distributor of the PulleyMan System, we sell to industrial, manufacturing, commercial and marine concerns, as well as “super stores”, small stores, contractors and individuals. For more information or to place an order contact us either on-line, by phone or fax.

What is a PulleyMan?


All around the world people want to know how a single unit, like PulleyMan, can have all the functions of a winch, lift, and a hoist? How PulleyMan can run along a fixed wire? The wire rope just passes through the pulley, instead of winding on a drum.


  • Infinite Working Length!
  • Lifts up to 1200 lbs. (Double Line Configuration)
  • Unlimited Working Conditions & Directions (Innovation).
  • Easy, Trouble-free Maintenance.
  • Extremely Portable (keep it in your truck!)
  • Trouble-Free Automatic
  • Brake System (Innovation).
  • Power Options: Electric Hand Drill, Cordless Hand Drill.
Taking Lifting & Pulling To New Heights at Lower Cost!

"I cant believe the flexibility and power of this little device!"- J. Tribble




"This was one the best investments I have made in my mechanic shop." -R. Scott









We Mean Business


4700 N. Pearl Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32206         l     Call Today   1 888 503 0377



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